A good employee should be operating strictly according with the standard’s requirement,step by step,not only exercise at work,should study harder,to get to the higher rungs. One company wants to sustainable development need loyal employees, In achieving development goals at the same time, Also provide space for employees' personal development and create conditions to help it to achieve personal development and growth, provide career planning to staff, help employees to fulfill their potential, improve quality, realize the value, get a high quality life.According to the development planning of the company, our company has a management series, Professional technical series two major series for the development of employees.Our company at the different stages of employee development with the guidance of different people, provide different training courses.We want to be a Human-based management and same time to build the rigorous work and living environmenl. company Respecting, caring, trusting  the staff, colleagues are young gens, to build  youthful vitality atmosphere strive environment.

· Talents are the base of the development of the company,devolopment bred outstanding talent.

· Recruit able people without overstressing qualifications,send far and wide to invite men of ability,compete to occupy the talent first.

· Making use of personnel'sadvantages,tolerate imperfection,on using talent and respect individuality.

· Building the platform,optimize resource allocation,to enables the brigh people to come to the fore.

· Encourage competition,reinforcement learning,to promote talent and enterprise grow together.

· Make rules,strengthening of supervision,using complete systems and processes for ensuring talent security.